
Enough to talk about what's wrong with sex work.. let's talk about what could be right what is the ideal situation that all women and men have sex workers could all want together.. is it anarchist.. worker co-ops.. think about what we all believe in together.. we all believe that women should have the maximum amount of choice.. she says “what’ she says “where’ she says “when” and for how much.. although it can be negotiated. But she can say no she's got veto power. We all want that for her.  So what happens naturally when the patriarchy doesn't interfere. She and a friend.. maybe rent an apartment together. They booked their own clients. They're in charge of their own advertising. They decide when they work if they work if they work once a month once a week once a day or three times a day.. it's up to how she feels how does she feel in her body.. instrumentally exhausted does she need time off. If women don't have this it could become very rapey.. you have to come and go as you please. A lot of women work out of their own apartments. Some dominatrixes have a worker co-op. You can't work on command if you work on command you're some sort of slave. Sex work must come out of the sex workers needs and interests. It's an independent sex worker needed protection she could hire a security guard.. or someone to do secretarial work for her or do photography for example. Marketing.. she could even combine this with other women who also might want to share those resources. The point is she doesn't have to work under somebody for this. Studying under what conditions do sex workers have the highest wages.. I'm trying to understand under what circumstances do those wages remain the highest.

-Sex worker resource platform.. information resources made free and to the public.

-No techno feudalism.. data privacy is a must both for the worker and client 

-the right to own and control your own work

- no toxic social hierarchies

-No bosses 

-If a chain of command is needed it must be voted in democratically and temporarily as needed.

-You need the ability to choose your own clients and have veto power.

-sex workers like to work alone with a friend or possibly in a worker co-op 

-No capitalist explorers no brothels. 

-No brothel labor outsourcing.. brothels and government cannot control supply and demand artificially. A natural male female ratio is ideal.  if no one wants to work for your stupid brothel is not fair that you ship them in and rotate them out like an assembly line.

-You can own a hotel.. you can maybe own a dungeon.. you can own a hot tub spa.. but you can't own the labor surplus.

- Reframing the idea of how sex work is perceived-   example: Sex Temple with goddesses... but again no toxic social hierarchies no dictatorship in the workplace. 

-How do you prevent that from happening. No outsourcing sex worker labor laws need to be enforced by government and police.

 -A committee that informs women of Labor rights must interview and do outreach towards workers. 

-We need a motherly matriarchal Force.. a woman who warns younger women about the dangers of employers.. we need Grandma's.. maybe we need a power program a mentorship from older sex workers to younger sex workers. 

-Reformation for women/sex workers .. whether that be a financial compensation more research is needed. 

10 Reasons to Dump Your Social Media:

1. Don't RELY ON SOCIAL MEDIA; algorithms hide the truth and amplify propaganda. Get your news from working class analysis sent directly to you for free! By joining our mailing list.

2. Social media platforms can track your online activity and share this information with third parties, potentially putting your personal and professional information at risk.

3. Using social media as a sex worker may inadvertently reveal your location to potential clients, putting your safety in jeopardy.

4. Social media platforms are vulnerable to hacking and data breaches, exposing your private communication with clients and compromising your confidentiality.

5. Posting explicit content on social media platforms could violate their terms of service and result in your account being suspended or terminated, causing disruptions to your business

6. Social media algorithms may inadvertently expose you to potential clients who could pose a safety risk or attempt to exploit you

7. Engaging with clients on social media creates a digital trail that could be used against you in legal proceedings or put your personal information at risk if obtained by law enforcement.

8. Social media platforms collect and store large amounts of data about their users, creating a target for data mining and surveillance that could compromise your small business income.

9. The economic value of your small business is your Data!!. everything from your client list, GPS location, client sexual preferences ect. can be sold to a brothel cartels or brothels company that operates in the U.S. without the public consent. This data is analyzed and sorted for maximum value extraction from the poor and working class.

10. Be an observer of big Tech, with one foot in and one foot out. People appear to be radicalized by YouTube then organized on social media .

Ways to Stay Safe:

1. Use a secure and encrypted communication app or platform to interact with clients, such as Signal or Telegram, to protect your conversations and data.

2. Avoid sharing personal information on social media platforms or public websites to maintain a level of anonymity and protect your identity.

3. Regularly update your devices and software to patch security vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of cyber attacks.

4. Use strong, unique passwords for all your online accounts and consider using a password manager to securely store and manage them.

5. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for an extra layer of security when accessing your accounts.

6. Be cautious of phishing attempts and always verify the authenticity of emails or messages from clients before clicking on any links or providing sensitive information.

7. Consider using a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your internet connection and protect your online activity from being tracked or monitored.

8. Routinely monitor your online presence and privacy settings on social media platforms to control who can see your posts and information.

9. Educate yourself about online safety practices and stay informed about current cybersecurity threats and trends that may impact sex workers.

10. Build a trusted support network within the sex work community to share tips, resources, and warnings about potential online risks and threats.