Sex Tales > From A Mommy Domme

Just What is a Mommy Domme?

A mommy domme can be though of as a kinder, gentler version of a dominatrix. No, she doesn’t pretend to be your mother, unless you specifically ask her to as a form of “role play”, and more about role play later. Mommy dommes have a nurturing, motherly nature to their domination style. They won’t beat you until your back and blue, but they may well put you over their knee for a spanking if you are “bad”. If you’re good, they may say “such a good boy”, and maybe reward you with a bit of erotic touch to reinforce your good behavior, just as mom might have rewarded you with a cookie.

If your the right kind of fellow, this type of treatment will fast reduce to a puddle of submissive goo. Oh yes, you’ll certainly listen to mommy alright. Not only that, you’ll hang on her every word as you strive to win her approval.

My Interview with Sally O’Mally

Anyway, I had the pleasure of interviewing our Ms. Sally O’Mally, and the first thing I said was “but you look so normal!” which made her smile that knowing smile that she’d flash many times over the course of our hour together. Like, what did I expect? Mommies are the most normal things in the world!

Ms O’Mally believes that mainstream porn sites pain a very jaundiced picture of the dominant females, but one thing they do get right is widespread craving that so many men have for female authority figures like bosses, teachers, leather clad police, inquisitors or mommy.

But it was when I attempted to characterize Ms. O’Mally as a Mommy Domme, that she interjected in her own unique motherly style - “Hey, not so fast! Don’t categorize, I’m just a reflection of the very deepest desires of my clients”. And as she explained, so many guys, in their deepest heart of hearts, crave a woman who will make decisions for them like, well,  Mommy did so long ago. The client is presented with a wonderful opportunity to suspend his will for just a short time. Kind of like a wonderful movie, a fantasy, only you’re not just a viewer, you and Sally are the stars!

Ms O’Mally characterizes her sessions as a roller coaster ride with no full service sex, but maybe including a prostate massage, and that’s a happy story for another time.

A Sweet Farewell to Life

Sally tells a bittersweet story about one of her customers, a sweet, beautiful, dying man only in his 40’s. He’d heard about sensual domination, another form of domination that doesn’t involve humiliation, pain or explicit discipline. He’d never had to courage to try it, but he knew it was now or never.

Sally’s form of domination doesn’t involve direct stimulation of the penis, but the man came anyway, in a very explosive manner. The next time, too. But the third time he didn’t, indicative of his dying body failing him and after that, Ms. O’Mally never saw him again. Even though she has a boyfriend she’s been seeing for 10 years and strives not to get emotionally involved with her clients beyond a professional level, Sally grieved for this brave man who chose to live until he no longer could.

No Problems for Sally

Sally lives in a large house with a large housemate, but she’s never had to rely on him – not even once. Part of the reason is that she asks for her tribute up front.

Another time, Sally noticed a gun in a guy’s pocket. She asked him why, and he said that he wanted to make sure of his safety. She said nothing more, and was glad to see him go, but later when reliving the experience for me, she pondered why would anyone go anywhere where they think they might need a gun? She observes that many people project their own fears and they mirror them in their words and actions like our foolish gunman. She notes that she’s not here to convince you to ‘play’ with her, if you don’t feel safe, don’t do it. 

Sensual dommes or mommy dommes, and no fluid exchanges - ever! But Sally isn’t a restaurant, and she feels no need to publish a menu and spell it out. But one time a guy insisted on sex anyway. He was a bit agitated, so she did what a mommy would do with a cranky son having a tantrum, she redirected him, in this instance to a prostrate massage, sometimes know as the anal chakra alignment. It turned out to be a thrilling roller coaster ride for the guy, but you’ll have to wait for the next blog for more.

Yes, Sally admits to doing some screening, using the apps such as and, but for her it’s mostly an afterthought. After all, “most people are great, and I bring them joy. I make people happy.”

Meeting Someone from Your Past

One time Sally ran into a potential client that she knew from junior high school who wanted more that a client relationship. That was a no no, because sessions are a movie, a roller coaster ride with a start time and an end time.

And that brings up an important point. If you ever run into your provider while on the supermarket checkout line, the coffee shop or anywhere else, she can approach you if she wants to but you must not approach her. You probably don’t even know her real name. Remember that this is a game, a fantasy, so don’t give it away!

Fantasy Role Play

Sally loves role play, and so do her clients. Of course there is mommy and son, and there is also the cruel or amorous step-mother. There is the demanding lady boss and hapless male employee. She told me about a client whose dream ride was a woman masseuse who gets a bit carried away, and, my own favorite, a “victim”  who wanted to be enslaved by a vampiress!

She thinks of it as a sexy, kinky movie. The client is the producer, with himself and Ms O’Malley the top-billed co-stars. As the director, Sally helps make the client’s erotic dream come true.

Ms O’Malley’s Personal Spin on Things

The way this works is that these these encounters are transactional. She may very well “like” you, but to put it bluntly, your plumber or electrician probably likes you too. Those of you guys considering engaging any sort of domme’s services must realize this first and foremost, and everything else should fall into place.

She subscribes to the idea that most men, conforming to their perceived role, feel that they must always be in charge. The pressure to maintain the facade is enormous, and the energy required to maintain it is crushing.

That’s why so many men crave the opportunity to be submissive, even if only for an hour or so. Ms. Sally O’Malley will be your guide and your muse. If you wish to contact Mrs. Sally, write to this email, and I will make sure she gets it.


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