Brothel owner, Trump supporter, and governor found dead
You would think the first brothel owner to become United States governor dying two weeks before he won the election should be a bigger deal than it was. Can you imagine a brothel owner as governor? When Dennis Hof won the United States election for governor of Nevada, two weeks before he became governor, he died of a quote-unquote overdose. What are the odds? Am I a conspiracy theorist?
What if he didn't die of an overdose and someone killed him? And this is the fun part: why?
Okay, so if you don't know who Dennis Hof is, he had an HBO series called Cathouse about his brothels an hour outside of Las Vegas. If you haven't seen the show, you still can. Now, my years working in a strip club tell me this: I've had a lot of bosses, and yeah, all of them were exactly like Dennis Hof. Every strip club I ever worked in, everywhere in the world, was always owned and controlled by men. Usually an older guy in his 60s—kind of a working-class, gross old guy. All the girls were 30 to 40 years younger, just like Dennis Hof. Talk about capitalist toxic social hierarchies Hof kept 50% of every woman's money. Even though it was her body but he had the capital so he had the power. This is what Harvard Business School wants to do to us by the way. Lol.
Is this what everybody wants? Doesn't everybody w or decriminalization? That's what everybody says when you ask them. So what Dennis Hof does is make legalization of sex work look like a terrible idea. Because when you see him speak, he's the epitome of patriarchy—that old, gross guy talking about how we should have brothels. But it’s true the government needs to something . Coming from him, he makes it sound terrible.
Hof was also incredibly vocal about his views. He wasn’t just a casual supporter of legalization; he made it his mission to promote it. Hof went from talk show to talk show, from news programs to congressional hearings, yapping and yapping about the issue. His endless campaigning may have done more to hurt the cause than to help it. The problem wasn’t just the message—it was the messenger. He didn’t seem to realize that his presence and behavior worked against him, he was too much of the caricature of the exact person you wouldn't want to be your boss. From a big tech perspective, you wouldn’t want to work with him from a PR standpoint. Your laws wouldn’t get passed, your app wouldn't be able to get launched.
And by the way, he was a huge Trump supporter. So here you’ve got a brothel owner, who’s very outspoken about legalization of sex work, also being a vocal Trump supporter. Then he mysteriously dies of a drug overdose two weeks before he becomes governor of Nevada.
This is why...
If Donald Trump says tomorrow, "Oh my God, let's the legalization of sex work," everybody would be like, "Oh my God, that's terrible, let's not." But if Kamala Harris said, "Let's legalization sex work," everybody would be like, "Yeah, that's awesome."
Hof makes the idea of decriminalizing and legalizing sex work sound awful. If people are going to support it, it has to look feminist. It has to look like women are organizing it. Women all over the world aren’t saying, "I'm tired of owning and controlling my own labor; I wish I had a boss. Patriarchy, save me!" lol
This is about how to get the public to support an idea. You have to make it look feminist and grassroots. Follow the old white guy money. You need women out front, women brothel owners, making it look like it's women getting together. How do you do that? You have to make it look like this is coming from women and not from capitalists or old, yucky white men. This is about marketing. Whether you’re for or against something, it’s a complex issue. It's all about branding—how do you make it sound like a good idea or a bad idea? You have to sell it. And Hof, who was very outspoken and chatted constantly about it, he made it sound like a really bad idea. Because he's old, he's white, and he acts like a pig. He acts just like Donald Trump. It's how you associate these ideas.
What a coincidence that Hof died of a drug overdose two weeks before he became governor of Nevada. And he was such an outspoken public supporter of Trump.
Imagine Dennis Hof showing up at Trump rallies saying, "Decriminalize and legalize." You would automatically associate these ideas with Trump. And we already know everybody hates everything Trump says and automatically likes everything Kamala Harris or any other prominent Democratic representative says. You look at the gender, you look at the color of the person's skin, and then you associate those ideas with that person.
Dennis Hoff says the southeast Asians, North Africans and Albanians run the human trafficking cartels. Huf says legalize prostitution will be in bring an end to human trafficking. (his brothels will save the day). So for all we know maybe it was organized crime syndicates that killed him. I will never know but what I can tell you is all war is men fighting other men for control over women’s bodies and resources. Dennis Hof was probably a casualty of war. Even if that war is secret and undercover.
keep in mind; Noam Chomsky said, "The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum". This quote appears in his book How the World Works
Brothel magnate's Olympic bid
04/19/2018 Sexual Allegations Brought Against Brothel Owner Dennis Hof
Dennis Hof's former girlfriend shares crazy stories about the Bunny Ranch - Prison Talk 22.05
What is regulatory capture?
The concept of Regulatory Capture (Reg Capture) typically refers to a phenomenon that occurs when a regulatory agency that is created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or political concerns of special interest groups that dominate an industry or sector the agency is charged with regulating.