EXPLOSIVE! Trump Tied To Massage Parlor Scandal; link below


The Scarlet Letter for sex workers and brothel owners pay Trump $$

Fosta-Sesta only Targets the Little People, Leaving the Real Human Traffickers Unaffected

By Red Botto

Hi, I’m Red Bottoms, sharing a table with Madame Bovary in the sports bar. As it turns out, sports bars in the middle of the afternoon are great places to have meetings, because no one’s there. And even at 5PM when the after work crew blasts in, it was still OK ‘cause none of ‘em were in the least bit interested in what they might have heard, but I bet you’ll be, because we were talking about the ill effects of Fosta-Sesta.

Fosta-Sesta – just what is it and how did it Fail?

Fosta-Sesta serves to try to make it impossible for sex workers to advertise online and penalizes online US websites if they allow them to do so. But sex workers have no problem advertising on websites that are rooted overseas. Examples include Eros in Switzerland, Tryst of Australia or Private Delights hosted in the Czech Republic. They all show up under a simple Google search for “sex in Boston” just the same. 

So, not only do sex workers have absolutely no problems advertising, but to add insult to injury, potential clients have no problem finding them.

So, while mass public media dishonestly maintains that sex workers can't advertise this is obviously, blatantly and completely untrue. Ironically, the only ones left out of the party are US-based websites!

So while the stated intent of Fosta-Sesta was to reduce human trafficking, it had no effect. It didn’t even put the slightest dent in adult-to-adult liaisons. For those of you who want to get into the nuts and bolts of this divisive act, a good place to start, is Wikipedia. (Wikipedia doesn't always have a great reputation)

But let’s you and I, dear audience, talk about the climate of fear, repression and injustice that the spirit behind Fosta-Sesta has engendered. One of the examples is what happened to our own dear Madame Bovary.

Madame Bovary, banned from Professional Cuddling

Our story begins on the day when Madame Bovary, a truly adorable Dominatrix, decided to broaden her career trajectory and to seek employment as a professional cuddler. Now, a little background, a professional cuddler does just that, she cuddles. No sex, fully clothed or in pajamas, no fondling of any erogenous zone – just cuddling.

Now it seems that at the time, a website that won’t be named here had a virtual monopoly on professional cuddling. But when she tried to register, she was turned down, banned from joining the profession.

Blame it on Fosta-Sesta, which has enabled a regime of artificial intelligence designed to entrap people. Somehow, Madame Bovary got on their list, and when the bad guys got wind of Madame Bovary’s intent, they pressured the monopolistic website to drop her.

The Eyes of the Internet are EVERYWHERE

Madame Bovary tried changing her name and altering her appearance with cosmetics – no good, the facial recognition software busted her at each turn. Buying a new computer was no help at all. The only thing that might have worked was to get a new internet service provider for a new Internet Protocol (IP) address. Is that even something you can do without moving to a new physical address and opening up a new bank account with a bogus social security

The point is, this is beyond the computer skills of a one-woman operation like Madame Bovary. But, it’s well within the ability of the real human traffickers.

Madame Bovary firmly believes that Fosta-Serta does nothing to stop sex trafficking, and that the statute only hurts small operators and does nothing to hurt the real villains. And by sex trafficking, what I'm referring to the classical definition of trafficking and that is the process of moving the women who provide the sex from one location to another for the benefit of the pimps. Want some proof?

Fun in Florida

The smiling lady posing with The Trumpster himself is none other than Li (Cindy) Yang. As noted in the Miami Herald, “Nineteen days after Trump and Yang posed together while rooting for the Patriots, authorities would charge Kraft with soliciting prostitution at a spa in Jupiter that Yang had founded more than a decade earlier.” As you’d expect. Fun fact, Kraft, not content with a rub and tug, had opted for oral sex.

As reported in Vanity Fair, a commentator on the site “Rub Maps” (yes!) said that, “If you’re just wanting to get a ‘rub and tug,’ this might be one of the best places in West Palm Beach,” commenting on a Tokyo Day Spas’ parlor. And, as you’d also expect, anyone like Ms. Yang, who hangs with Trump knows all about paper trails, so ownership at any given time is hard to pin down.

   Now Yang she traffics in – Trump. Ms. Yang, a US citizen who until recently couldn’t be bothered to vote, has become a genuine, mid-level Republican hanger on, making numerous and significant money contributions to Trump Victory (a political action committee) and to Trump’s presidential campaign.

The payoff? Our Cindy has opened an investment consulting firm. The goal is to snag Chinese business people who are looking to expand in the US. The hook? Ms. Yang’s connections to Trump. Check out this The Young Turks video to get a load of who else she’s been hobnobbing with!

It’s seriously illegal for foreign nationals like our aforementioned Chinese business people to contribute to US elections. As compared to some of the more recent atrocities committed by Trump and his minions, this is relatively small change. But, as reported by the young Turk, this is a perfect intersection of two different forms of prostitution.

Fosta-Sesta is a Sad Joke

So there you have it. The big timers can traffic women, move them around the world, and escape the law. Ordinary customers get busted, but big timers can just shrug it off. Ordinary providers like our Madame Bovary get black balled and ostracized, but the Cindy Yangs of the world hang out with the President of the United States.

And, on another sad note, based on Facebook’s recent capitulation, content checking on social media is a thing of the past. Most people now get their news on social media, and without fact checking, powerful moneyed interests will be able to dominate public opinion. They will essentially be able to buy votes.

Madame Bovary believes that as a result, the laws that will be enacted in our predatory capitalist system will hurt the sex workers and help only the real sex traffickers or brothel owners. Citizens don't have a say in our democracy.


Hollyweird is on Fire


Audre Lorde's essay The Erotic as Power