Who Funds Sex Worker Organizations? Let’s Follow the Money...
Where does funding come from for all these sex worker orgs? It shifts around, but a major player is the Open Society. Founded by George Soros, the Open Society Foundation is a huge financial backer for many sex worker organizations. Decriminalization of Prostitution: The Soros Effect
So why would a billionaire hedge fund manager care so much about decriminalizing sex work? Is it because he’s some kind of philanthropist with a heart of gold? Yeah, I don’t think so. He’s making a calculated financial investment, using that cash to impose a toxic capitalist system on women across the globe. George Soros and the Open Society have their own agenda—one that drains resources from poor and working-class people.
I was actually offered money by the open society. I turned it down. I make so much money from sex work I don't need to compromise my ideals. I have financial independence from the capitalist system. But I am not a capitalist slave. I don't have a boss and I'm proud of it. There's freedom here in anarchy. why do we work in the first place .. money!! You make MUCH LESS MONEY in country’s where it criminalized. Why is that because to have a boss means they take the money. For your own safety they say. Enjoy this video and when analyzing sex worker orgs find out who's funding it! And take off your capitalist distortion glasses. Remember to do your ho-work and stay safe. https://youtu.be/2MLlf9Cr6tQ?si=Bb5AggAudaKFhlJs