Prostitution, Sexuality and the Law in Ancient Rome

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Sometimes I write fan letters to my favorite professors and ask for book recommendations. Mary Beard is an English classics specializing in the Roman empire she teaches at University of Cambridge. I'm a big fan of her a BBC series on the Roman empire. I wrote her a fan letter and asked what books should I read or lecture should I watch on prostitution and the ancient world. Since the US designed after the Roman empire complete with slaves. How is today's brothel system the same or different than the Roman empire. Enjoy her book recommendations and the lecture above.  She has suggested a couple of books . Oh boy the Romans , anything goes, don't miss this!.

Buy the book of this lecture here: This lecture is concerned with the customs and institutions of paid sex in the Roman World. The main focus is on the market for paid sex between the founding of the Empire in the last decades before the birth of Christ, down to the establishment of Christianity as the faith of the Empire, with a brief overview of the shifting views of paid sex by the authorities in the Christian Empire. It involves extensive quotation from legal and literary and other contemporary sources, plus modern research and the archaeology, to provide an overview of a subject that if often harrowing and even disgusting, but that is, or should be, a core unit in any history of the Roman World. Subjects covered include: Sex slaves “Free” Prostitutes Forced prostitution Foundlings as prostitutes The age of consent in ancient times The legal status of prostitutes Violence against prostitutes Male prostitution Castration of male sex slaves The price of sexual services Brothels Erotic art Sexually transmitted diseases Christianity and prostitution There is a full bibliography at the end of both ancient and modern sources. Note: This lecture deals in an explicit manner with themes that are very controversial and that may give considerable offence. If you believe that you may be offended by any of the images and readings, please do not watch.


The Economy of Prostitution in the Roman World: a study of social history and the brothel, Thomas McGinnn(University of Michigan Press, 2004)


Also by McGinn - Prostitution, Sexuality and the Law in Ancient Rome (Oxford University Press, 1998)



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